Newer versions of Bash support one-dimensional arrays. Array elements may be initialized with the variable[xx] notation. Alternatively, a script may introduce the entire array by an explicit declare -a variable statement. To dereference (retrieve the contents of) an array element, use curly bracket notation, that is, ${element[xx]}.
Example 26-1. Simple array usage
#!/bin/bash area[11]=23 area[13]=37 area[51]=UFOs # Array members need not be consecutive or contiguous. # Some members of the array can be left uninitialized. # Gaps in the array are okay. # In fact, arrays with sparse data ("sparse arrays") #+ are useful in spreadsheet-processing software. echo -n "area[11] = " echo ${area[11]} # {curly brackets} needed. echo -n "area[13] = " echo ${area[13]} echo "Contents of area[51] are ${area[51]}." # Contents of uninitialized array variable print blank (null variable). echo -n "area[43] = " echo ${area[43]} echo "(area[43] unassigned)" echo # Sum of two array variables assigned to third area[5]=`expr ${area[11]} + ${area[13]}` echo "area[5] = area[11] + area[13]" echo -n "area[5] = " echo ${area[5]} area[6]=`expr ${area[11]} + ${area[51]}` echo "area[6] = area[11] + area[51]" echo -n "area[6] = " echo ${area[6]} # This fails because adding an integer to a string is not permitted. echo; echo; echo # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Another array, "area2". # Another way of assigning array variables... # array_name=( XXX YYY ZZZ ... ) area2=( zero one two three four ) echo -n "area2[0] = " echo ${area2[0]} # Aha, zero-based indexing (first element of array is [0], not [1]). echo -n "area2[1] = " echo ${area2[1]} # [1] is second element of array. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- echo; echo; echo # ----------------------------------------------- # Yet another array, "area3". # Yet another way of assigning array variables... # array_name=([xx]=XXX [yy]=YYY ...) area3=([17]=seventeen [24]=twenty-four) echo -n "area3[17] = " echo ${area3[17]} echo -n "area3[24] = " echo ${area3[24]} # ----------------------------------------------- exit 0 |
As we have seen, a convenient way of initializing an entire array is the array=( element1 element2 ... elementN ) notation.
Bash permits array operations on variables, even if the variables are not explicitly declared as arrays.
Example 26-2. Formatting a poem
#!/bin/bash # Pretty-prints one of the ABS Guide author's favorite poems. # Lines of the poem (single stanza). Line[1]="I do not know which to prefer," Line[2]="The beauty of inflections" Line[3]="Or the beauty of innuendoes," Line[4]="The blackbird whistling" Line[5]="Or just after." # Note that quoting permits embedding whitespace. # Attribution. Attrib[1]=" Wallace Stevens" Attrib[2]="\"Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird\"" # This poem is in the Public Domain (copyright expired). echo tput bold # Bold print. for index in 1 2 3 4 5 # Five lines. do printf " %s\n" "${Line[index]}" done for index in 1 2 # Two attribution lines. do printf " %s\n" "${Attrib[index]}" done tput sgr0 # Reset terminal. # See 'tput' docs. echo exit 0 # Exercise: # -------- # Modify this script to pretty-print a poem from a text data file. |
Array variables have a syntax all their own, and even standard Bash commands and operators have special options adapted for array use.
Example 26-3. Various array operations
#!/bin/bash # More fun with arrays. array=( zero one two three four five ) # Element 0 1 2 3 4 5 echo ${array[0]} # zero echo ${array:0} # zero # Parameter expansion of first element, #+ starting at position # 0 (1st character). echo ${array:1} # ero # Parameter expansion of first element, #+ starting at position # 1 (2nd character). echo "--------------" echo ${#array[0]} # 4 # Length of first element of array. echo ${#array} # 4 # Length of first element of array. # (Alternate notation) echo ${#array[1]} # 3 # Length of second element of array. # Arrays in Bash have zero-based indexing. echo ${#array[*]} # 6 # Number of elements in array. echo ${#array[@]} # 6 # Number of elements in array. echo "--------------" array2=( [0]="first element" [1]="second element" [3]="fourth element" ) # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ # Quoting permits embedding whitespace within individual array elements. echo ${array2[0]} # first element echo ${array2[1]} # second element echo ${array2[2]} # # Skipped in initialization, and therefore null. echo ${array2[3]} # fourth element echo ${#array2[0]} # 13 (length of first element) echo ${#array2[*]} # 3 (number of elements in array) exit |
Many of the standard string operations work on arrays.
Example 26-4. String operations on arrays
#!/bin/bash # String operations on arrays. # Script by Michael Zick. # Used in ABS Guide with permission. # Fixups: 05 May 08, 04 Aug 08. # In general, any string operation using the ${name ... } notation #+ can be applied to all string elements in an array, #+ with the ${name[@] ... } or ${name[*] ...} notation. arrayZ=( one two three four five five ) echo # Trailing Substring Extraction echo ${arrayZ[@]:0} # one two three four five five # ^ All elements. echo ${arrayZ[@]:1} # two three four five five # ^ All elements following element[0]. echo ${arrayZ[@]:1:2} # two three # ^ Only the two elements after element[0]. echo "---------" # Substring Removal # Removes shortest match from front of string(s). echo ${arrayZ[@]#f*r} # one two three five five # ^ # Applied to all elements of the array. # Matches "four" and removes it. # Longest match from front of string(s) echo ${arrayZ[@]##t*e} # one two four five five # ^^ # Applied to all elements of the array. # Matches "three" and removes it. # Shortest match from back of string(s) echo ${arrayZ[@]%h*e} # one two t four five five # ^ # Applied to all elements of the array. # Matches "hree" and removes it. # Longest match from back of string(s) echo ${arrayZ[@]%%t*e} # one two four five five # ^^ # Applied to all elements of the array. # Matches "three" and removes it. echo "----------------------" # Substring Replacement # Replace first occurrence of substring with replacement. echo ${arrayZ[@]/fiv/XYZ} # one two three four XYZe XYZe # ^ # Applied to all elements of the array. # Replace all occurrences of substring. echo ${arrayZ[@]//iv/YY} # one two three four fYYe fYYe # Applied to all elements of the array. # Delete all occurrences of substring. # Not specifing a replacement defaults to 'delete' ... echo ${arrayZ[@]//fi/} # one two three four ve ve # ^^ # Applied to all elements of the array. # Replace front-end occurrences of substring. echo ${arrayZ[@]/#fi/XY} # one two three four XYve XYve # ^ # Applied to all elements of the array. # Replace back-end occurrences of substring. echo ${arrayZ[@]/%ve/ZZ} # one two three four fiZZ fiZZ # ^ # Applied to all elements of the array. echo ${arrayZ[@]/%o/XX} # one twXX three four five five # ^ # Why? echo "-----------------------------" replacement() { echo -n "!!!" } echo ${arrayZ[@]/%e/$(replacement)} # ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # on!!! two thre!!! four fiv!!! fiv!!! # The stdout of replacement() is the replacement string. # Q.E.D: The replacement action is, in effect, an 'assignment.' echo "------------------------------------" # Accessing the "for-each": echo ${arrayZ[@]//*/$(replacement optional_arguments)} # ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! # Now, if Bash would only pass the matched string #+ to the function being called . . . echo exit 0 # Before reaching for a Big Hammer -- Perl, Python, or all the rest -- # recall: # $( ... ) is command substitution. # A function runs as a sub-process. # A function writes its output (if echo-ed) to stdout. # Assignment, in conjunction with "echo" and command substitution, #+ can read a function's stdout. # The name[@] notation specifies (the equivalent of) a "for-each" #+ operation. # Bash is more powerful than you think! |
Command substitution can construct the individual elements of an array.
Example 26-5. Loading the contents of a script into an array
#!/bin/bash # Loads this script into an array. # Inspired by an e-mail from Chris Martin (thanks!). script_contents=( $(cat "$0") ) # Stores contents of this script ($0) #+ in an array. for element in $(seq 0 $((${#script_contents[@]} - 1))) do # ${#script_contents[@]} #+ gives number of elements in the array. # # Question: # Why is seq 0 necessary? # Try changing it to seq 1. echo -n "${script_contents[$element]}" # List each field of this script on a single line. # echo -n "${script_contents[element]}" also works because of ${ ... }. echo -n " -- " # Use " -- " as a field separator. done echo exit 0 # Exercise: # -------- # Modify this script so it lists itself #+ in its original format, #+ complete with whitespace, line breaks, etc. |
In an array context, some Bash builtins have a slightly altered meaning. For example, unset deletes array elements, or even an entire array.
Example 26-6. Some special properties of arrays
#!/bin/bash declare -a colors # All subsequent commands in this script will treat #+ the variable "colors" as an array. echo "Enter your favorite colors (separated from each other by a space)." read -a colors # Enter at least 3 colors to demonstrate features below. # Special option to 'read' command, #+ allowing assignment of elements in an array. echo element_count=${#colors[@]} # Special syntax to extract number of elements in array. # element_count=${#colors[*]} works also. # # The "@" variable allows word splitting within quotes #+ (extracts variables separated by whitespace). # # This corresponds to the behavior of "$@" and "$*" #+ in positional parameters. index=0 while [ "$index" -lt "$element_count" ] do # List all the elements in the array. echo ${colors[$index]} # ${colors[index]} also works because it's within ${ ... } brackets. let "index = $index + 1" # Or: # index+=1 # if running Bash, version 3.1 or later. done # Each array element listed on a separate line. # If this is not desired, use echo -n "${colors[$index]} " # # Doing it with a "for" loop instead: # for i in "${colors[@]}" # do # echo "$i" # done # (Thanks, S.C.) echo # Again, list all the elements in the array, but using a more elegant method. echo ${colors[@]} # echo ${colors[*]} also works. echo # The "unset" command deletes elements of an array, or entire array. unset colors[1] # Remove 2nd element of array. # Same effect as colors[1]= echo ${colors[@]} # List array again, missing 2nd element. unset colors # Delete entire array. # unset colors[*] and #+ unset colors[@] also work. echo; echo -n "Colors gone." echo ${colors[@]} # List array again, now empty. exit 0 |
As seen in the previous example, either ${array_name[@]} or ${array_name[*]} refers to all the elements of the array. Similarly, to get a count of the number of elements in an array, use either ${#array_name[@]} or ${#array_name[*]}. ${#array_name} is the length (number of characters) of ${array_name[0]}, the first element of the array.
Example 26-7. Of empty arrays and empty elements
#!/bin/bash # # Thanks to Stephane Chazelas for the original example, #+ and to Michael Zick and Omair Eshkenazi, for extending it. # And to Nathan Coulter for clarifications and corrections. # An empty array is not the same as an array with empty elements. array0=( first second third ) array1=( '' ) # "array1" consists of one empty element. array2=( ) # No elements . . . "array2" is empty. array3=( ) # What about this array? echo ListArray() { echo echo "Elements in array0: ${array0[@]}" echo "Elements in array1: ${array1[@]}" echo "Elements in array2: ${array2[@]}" echo "Elements in array3: ${array3[@]}" echo echo "Length of first element in array0 = ${#array0}" echo "Length of first element in array1 = ${#array1}" echo "Length of first element in array2 = ${#array2}" echo "Length of first element in array3 = ${#array3}" echo echo "Number of elements in array0 = ${#array0[*]}" # 3 echo "Number of elements in array1 = ${#array1[*]}" # 1 (Surprise!) echo "Number of elements in array2 = ${#array2[*]}" # 0 echo "Number of elements in array3 = ${#array3[*]}" # 0 } # =================================================================== ListArray # Try extending those arrays. # Adding an element to an array. array0=( "${array0[@]}" "new1" ) array1=( "${array1[@]}" "new1" ) array2=( "${array2[@]}" "new1" ) array3=( "${array3[@]}" "new1" ) ListArray # or array0[${#array0[*]}]="new2" array1[${#array1[*]}]="new2" array2[${#array2[*]}]="new2" array3[${#array3[*]}]="new2" ListArray # When extended as above, arrays are 'stacks' ... # Above is the 'push' ... # The stack 'height' is: height=${#array2[@]} echo echo "Stack height for array2 = $height" # The 'pop' is: unset array2[${#array2[@]}-1] # Arrays are zero-based, height=${#array2[@]} #+ which means first element has index 0. echo echo "POP" echo "New stack height for array2 = $height" ListArray # List only 2nd and 3rd elements of array0. from=1 # Zero-based numbering. to=2 array3=( ${array0[@]:1:2} ) echo echo "Elements in array3: ${array3[@]}" # Works like a string (array of characters). # Try some other "string" forms. # Replacement: array4=( ${array0[@]/second/2nd} ) echo echo "Elements in array4: ${array4[@]}" # Replace all matching wildcarded string. array5=( ${array0[@]//new?/old} ) echo echo "Elements in array5: ${array5[@]}" # Just when you are getting the feel for this . . . array6=( ${array0[@]#*new} ) echo # This one might surprise you. echo "Elements in array6: ${array6[@]}" array7=( ${array0[@]#new1} ) echo # After array6 this should not be a surprise. echo "Elements in array7: ${array7[@]}" # Which looks a lot like . . . array8=( ${array0[@]/new1/} ) echo echo "Elements in array8: ${array8[@]}" # So what can one say about this? # The string operations are performed on #+ each of the elements in var[@] in succession. # Therefore : Bash supports string vector operations. # If the result is a zero length string, #+ that element disappears in the resulting assignment. # However, if the expansion is in quotes, the null elements remain. # Michael Zick: Question, are those strings hard or soft quotes? # Nathan Coulter: There is no such thing as "soft quotes." #! What's really happening is that #!+ the pattern matching happens after #!+ all the other expansions of [word] #!+ in cases like ${parameter#word}. zap='new*' array9=( ${array0[@]/$zap/} ) echo echo "Number of elements in array9: ${#array9[@]}" array9=( "${array0[@]/$zap/}" ) echo "Elements in array9: ${array9[@]}" # This time the null elements remain. echo "Number of elements in array9: ${#array9[@]}" # Just when you thought you were still in Kansas . . . array10=( ${array0[@]#$zap} ) echo echo "Elements in array10: ${array10[@]}" # But, the asterisk in zap won't be interpreted if quoted. array10=( ${array0[@]#"$zap"} ) echo echo "Elements in array10: ${array10[@]}" # Well, maybe we _are_ still in Kansas . . . # (Revisions to above code block by Nathan Coulter.) # Compare array7 with array10. # Compare array8 with array9. # Reiterating: No such thing as soft quotes! # Nathan Coulter explains: # Pattern matching of 'word' in ${parameter#word} is done after #+ parameter expansion and *before* quote removal. # In the normal case, pattern matching is done *after* quote removal. exit |
The relationship of ${array_name[@]} and ${array_name[*]} is analogous to that between $@ and $*. This powerful array notation has a number of uses.
# Copying an array. array2=( "${array1[@]}" ) # or array2="${array1[@]}" # # However, this fails with "sparse" arrays, #+ arrays with holes (missing elements) in them, #+ as Jochen DeSmet points out. # ------------------------------------------ array1[0]=0 # array1[1] not assigned array1[2]=2 array2=( "${array1[@]}" ) # Copy it? echo ${array2[0]} # 0 echo ${array2[2]} # (null), should be 2 # ------------------------------------------ # Adding an element to an array. array=( "${array[@]}" "new element" ) # or array[${#array[*]}]="new element" # Thanks, S.C. |
![]() | The array=( element1 element2 ... elementN ) initialization operation, with the help of command substitution, makes it possible to load the contents of a text file into an array.
Clever scripting makes it possible to add array operations.
Example 26-8. Initializing arrays
#! /bin/bash # array-assign.bash # Array operations are Bash-specific, #+ hence the ".bash" in the script name. # Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003, All rights reserved. # License: Unrestricted reuse in any form, for any purpose. # Version: $ID$ # # Clarification and additional comments by William Park. # Based on an example provided by Stephane Chazelas #+ which appeared in an earlier version of the #+ Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. # Output format of the 'times' command: # User CPU <space> System CPU # User CPU of dead children <space> System CPU of dead children # Bash has two versions of assigning all elements of an array #+ to a new array variable. # Both drop 'null reference' elements #+ in Bash versions 2.04 and later. # An additional array assignment that maintains the relationship of #+ [subscript]=value for arrays may be added to newer versions. # Constructs a large array using an internal command, #+ but anything creating an array of several thousand elements #+ will do just fine. declare -a bigOne=( /dev/* ) # All the files in /dev . . . echo echo 'Conditions: Unquoted, default IFS, All-Elements-Of' echo "Number of elements in array is ${#bigOne[@]}" # set -vx echo echo '- - testing: =( ${array[@]} ) - -' times declare -a bigTwo=( ${bigOne[@]} ) # Note parens: ^ ^ times echo echo '- - testing: =${array[@]} - -' times declare -a bigThree=${bigOne[@]} # No parentheses this time. times # Comparing the numbers shows that the second form, pointed out #+ by Stephane Chazelas, is faster. # # As William Park explains: #+ The bigTwo array assigned element by element (because of parentheses), #+ whereas bigThree assigned as a single string. # So, in essence, you have: # bigTwo=( [0]="..." [1]="..." [2]="..." ... ) # bigThree=( [0]="... ... ..." ) # # Verify this by: echo ${bigTwo[0]} # echo ${bigThree[0]} # I will continue to use the first form in my example descriptions #+ because I think it is a better illustration of what is happening. # The reusable portions of my examples will actual contain #+ the second form where appropriate because of the speedup. # MSZ: Sorry about that earlier oversight folks. # Note: # ---- # The "declare -a" statements in lines 32 and 44 #+ are not strictly necessary, since it is implicit #+ in the Array=( ... ) assignment form. # However, eliminating these declarations slows down #+ the execution of the following sections of the script. # Try it, and see. exit 0 |
![]() | Adding a superfluous declare -a statement to an array declaration may speed up execution of subsequent operations on the array. |
Example 26-9. Copying and concatenating arrays
#! /bin/bash # # # This script written by Michael Zick. # Used here with permission. # How-To "Pass by Name & Return by Name" #+ or "Building your own assignment statement". CpArray_Mac() { # Assignment Command Statement Builder echo -n 'eval ' echo -n "$2" # Destination name echo -n '=( ${' echo -n "$1" # Source name echo -n '[@]} )' # That could all be a single command. # Matter of style only. } declare -f CopyArray # Function "Pointer" CopyArray=CpArray_Mac # Statement Builder Hype() { # Hype the array named $1. # (Splice it together with array containing "Really Rocks".) # Return in array named $2. local -a TMP local -a hype=( Really Rocks ) $($CopyArray $1 TMP) TMP=( ${TMP[@]} ${hype[@]} ) $($CopyArray TMP $2) } declare -a before=( Advanced Bash Scripting ) declare -a after echo "Array Before = ${before[@]}" Hype before after echo "Array After = ${after[@]}" # Too much hype? echo "What ${after[@]:3:2}?" declare -a modest=( ${after[@]:2:1} ${after[@]:3:2} ) # ---- substring extraction ---- echo "Array Modest = ${modest[@]}" # What happened to 'before' ? echo "Array Before = ${before[@]}" exit 0 |
Example 26-10. More on concatenating arrays
#! /bin/bash # array-append.bash # Copyright (c) Michael S. Zick, 2003, All rights reserved. # License: Unrestricted reuse in any form, for any purpose. # Version: $ID$ # # Slightly modified in formatting by M.C. # Array operations are Bash-specific. # Legacy UNIX /bin/sh lacks equivalents. # Pipe the output of this script to 'more' #+ so it doesn't scroll off the terminal. # Or, redirect output to a file. declare -a array1=( zero1 one1 two1 ) # Subscript packed. declare -a array2=( [0]=zero2 [2]=two2 [3]=three2 ) # Subscript sparse -- [1] is not defined. echo echo '- Confirm that the array is really subscript sparse. -' echo "Number of elements: 4" # Hard-coded for illustration. for (( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )) do echo "Element [$i]: ${array2[$i]}" done # See also the more general code example in basics-reviewed.bash. declare -a dest # Combine (append) two arrays into a third array. echo echo 'Conditions: Unquoted, default IFS, All-Elements-Of operator' echo '- Undefined elements not present, subscripts not maintained. -' # # The undefined elements do not exist; they are not being dropped. dest=( ${array1[@]} ${array2[@]} ) # dest=${array1[@]}${array2[@]} # Strange results, possibly a bug. # Now, list the result. echo echo '- - Testing Array Append - -' cnt=${#dest[@]} echo "Number of elements: $cnt" for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ )) do echo "Element [$i]: ${dest[$i]}" done # Assign an array to a single array element (twice). dest[0]=${array1[@]} dest[1]=${array2[@]} # List the result. echo echo '- - Testing modified array - -' cnt=${#dest[@]} echo "Number of elements: $cnt" for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ )) do echo "Element [$i]: ${dest[$i]}" done # Examine the modified second element. echo echo '- - Reassign and list second element - -' declare -a subArray=${dest[1]} cnt=${#subArray[@]} echo "Number of elements: $cnt" for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ )) do echo "Element [$i]: ${subArray[$i]}" done # The assignment of an entire array to a single element #+ of another array using the '=${ ... }' array assignment #+ has converted the array being assigned into a string, #+ with the elements separated by a space (the first character of IFS). # If the original elements didn't contain whitespace . . . # If the original array isn't subscript sparse . . . # Then we could get the original array structure back again. # Restore from the modified second element. echo echo '- - Listing restored element - -' declare -a subArray=( ${dest[1]} ) cnt=${#subArray[@]} echo "Number of elements: $cnt" for (( i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i++ )) do echo "Element [$i]: ${subArray[$i]}" done echo '- - Do not depend on this behavior. - -' echo '- - This behavior is subject to change - -' echo '- - in versions of Bash newer than version 2.05b - -' # MSZ: Sorry about any earlier confusion folks. exit 0 |
Arrays permit deploying old familiar algorithms as shell scripts. Whether this is necessarily a good idea is left for the reader to decide.
Example 26-11. The Bubble Sort
#!/bin/bash # Bubble sort, of sorts. # Recall the algorithm for a bubble sort. In this particular version... # With each successive pass through the array to be sorted, #+ compare two adjacent elements, and swap them if out of order. # At the end of the first pass, the "heaviest" element has sunk to bottom. # At the end of the second pass, the next "heaviest" one has sunk next to bottom. # And so forth. # This means that each successive pass needs to traverse less of the array. # You will therefore notice a speeding up in the printing of the later passes. exchange() { # Swaps two members of the array. local temp=${Countries[$1]} # Temporary storage #+ for element getting swapped out. Countries[$1]=${Countries[$2]} Countries[$2]=$temp return } declare -a Countries # Declare array, #+ optional here since it's initialized below. # Is it permissable to split an array variable over multiple lines #+ using an escape (\)? # Yes. Countries=(Netherlands Ukraine Zaire Turkey Russia Yemen Syria \ Brazil Argentina Nicaragua Japan Mexico Venezuela Greece England \ Israel Peru Canada Oman Denmark Wales France Kenya \ Xanadu Qatar Liechtenstein Hungary) # "Xanadu" is the mythical place where, according to Coleridge, #+ Kubla Khan did a pleasure dome decree. clear # Clear the screen to start with. echo "0: ${Countries[*]}" # List entire array at pass 0. number_of_elements=${#Countries[@]} let "comparisons = $number_of_elements - 1" count=1 # Pass number. while [ "$comparisons" -gt 0 ] # Beginning of outer loop do index=0 # Reset index to start of array after each pass. while [ "$index" -lt "$comparisons" ] # Beginning of inner loop do if [ ${Countries[$index]} \> ${Countries[`expr $index + 1`]} ] # If out of order... # Recalling that \> is ASCII comparison operator #+ within single brackets. # if [[ ${Countries[$index]} > ${Countries[`expr $index + 1`]} ]] #+ also works. then exchange $index `expr $index + 1` # Swap. fi let "index += 1" # Or, index+=1 on Bash, ver. 3.1 or newer. done # End of inner loop # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao suggests for-loops as a simpler altenative. # # for (( last = $number_of_elements - 1 ; last > 0 ; last-- )) ## Fix by C.Y. Hunt ^ (Thanks!) # do # for (( i = 0 ; i < last ; i++ )) # do # [[ "${Countries[$i]}" > "${Countries[$((i+1))]}" ]] \ # && exchange $i $((i+1)) # done # done # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- let "comparisons -= 1" # Since "heaviest" element bubbles to bottom, #+ we need do one less comparison each pass. echo echo "$count: ${Countries[@]}" # Print resultant array at end of each pass. echo let "count += 1" # Increment pass count. done # End of outer loop # All done. exit 0 |
Is it possible to nest arrays within arrays?
#!/bin/bash # "Nested" array. # Michael Zick provided this example, #+ with corrections and clarifications by William Park. AnArray=( $(ls --inode --ignore-backups --almost-all \ --directory --full-time --color=none --time=status \ --sort=time -l ${PWD} ) ) # Commands and options. # Spaces are significant . . . and don't quote anything in the above. SubArray=( ${AnArray[@]:11:1} ${AnArray[@]:6:5} ) # This array has six elements: #+ SubArray=( [0]=${AnArray[11]} [1]=${AnArray[6]} [2]=${AnArray[7]} # [3]=${AnArray[8]} [4]=${AnArray[9]} [5]=${AnArray[10]} ) # # Arrays in Bash are (circularly) linked lists #+ of type string (char *). # So, this isn't actually a nested array, #+ but it's functionally similar. echo "Current directory and date of last status change:" echo "${SubArray[@]}" exit 0 |
Embedded arrays in combination with indirect references create some fascinating possibilities
Example 26-12. Embedded arrays and indirect references
#!/bin/bash # # Embedded arrays and indirect references. # This script by Dennis Leeuw. # Used with permission. # Modified by document author. ARRAY1=( VAR1_1=value11 VAR1_2=value12 VAR1_3=value13 ) ARRAY2=( VARIABLE="test" STRING="VAR1=value1 VAR2=value2 VAR3=value3" ARRAY21=${ARRAY1[*]} ) # Embed ARRAY1 within this second array. function print () { OLD_IFS="$IFS" IFS=$'\n' # To print each array element #+ on a separate line. TEST1="ARRAY2[*]" local ${!TEST1} # See what happens if you delete this line. # Indirect reference. # This makes the components of $TEST1 #+ accessible to this function. # Let's see what we've got so far. echo echo "\$TEST1 = $TEST1" # Just the name of the variable. echo; echo echo "{\$TEST1} = ${!TEST1}" # Contents of the variable. # That's what an indirect #+ reference does. echo echo "-------------------------------------------"; echo echo # Print variable echo "Variable VARIABLE: $VARIABLE" # Print a string element IFS="$OLD_IFS" TEST2="STRING[*]" local ${!TEST2} # Indirect reference (as above). echo "String element VAR2: $VAR2 from STRING" # Print an array element TEST2="ARRAY21[*]" local ${!TEST2} # Indirect reference (as above). echo "Array element VAR1_1: $VAR1_1 from ARRAY21" } print echo exit 0 # As the author of the script notes, #+ "you can easily expand it to create named-hashes in bash." # (Difficult) exercise for the reader: implement this. |
Arrays enable implementing a shell script version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Of course, a resource-intensive application of this nature should really be written in a compiled language, such as C. It runs excruciatingly slowly as a script.
Example 26-13. The Sieve of Eratosthenes
#!/bin/bash # ( # Sieve of Eratosthenes # Ancient algorithm for finding prime numbers. # This runs a couple of orders of magnitude slower #+ than the equivalent program written in C. LOWER_LIMIT=1 # Starting with 1. UPPER_LIMIT=1000 # Up to 1000. # (You may set this higher . . . if you have time on your hands.) PRIME=1 NON_PRIME=0 let SPLIT=UPPER_LIMIT/2 # Optimization: # Need to test numbers only halfway to upper limit. Why? declare -a Primes # Primes[] is an array. initialize () { # Initialize the array. i=$LOWER_LIMIT until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ] do Primes[i]=$PRIME let "i += 1" done # Assume all array members guilty (prime) #+ until proven innocent. } print_primes () { # Print out the members of the Primes[] array tagged as prime. i=$LOWER_LIMIT until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ] do if [ "${Primes[i]}" -eq "$PRIME" ] then printf "%8d" $i # 8 spaces per number gives nice, even columns. fi let "i += 1" done } sift () # Sift out the non-primes. { let i=$LOWER_LIMIT+1 # We know 1 is prime, so let's start with 2. until [ "$i" -gt "$UPPER_LIMIT" ] do if [ "${Primes[i]}" -eq "$PRIME" ] # Don't bother sieving numbers already sieved (tagged as non-prime). then t=$i while [ "$t" -le "$UPPER_LIMIT" ] do let "t += $i " Primes[t]=$NON_PRIME # Tag as non-prime all multiples. done fi let "i += 1" done } # ============================================== # main () # Invoke the functions sequentially. initialize sift print_primes # This is what they call structured programming. # ============================================== echo exit 0 # -------------------------------------------------------- # # Code below line will not execute, because of 'exit.' # This improved version of the Sieve, by Stephane Chazelas, #+ executes somewhat faster. # Must invoke with command-line argument (limit of primes). UPPER_LIMIT=$1 # From command-line. let SPLIT=UPPER_LIMIT/2 # Halfway to max number. Primes=( '' $(seq $UPPER_LIMIT) ) i=1 until (( ( i += 1 ) > SPLIT )) # Need check only halfway. do if [[ -n $Primes[i] ]] then t=$i until (( ( t += i ) > UPPER_LIMIT )) do Primes[t]= done fi done echo ${Primes[*]} exit $? |
Example 26-14. The Sieve of Eratosthenes, Optimized
#!/bin/bash # Optimized Sieve of Eratosthenes # Script by Jared Martin, with very minor changes by ABS Guide author. # Used in ABS Guide with permission (thanks!). # Based on script in Advanced Bash Scripting Guide. # ( # (reference) # Check results against # Necessary but not sufficient would be, e.g., # (($(sieve 7919 | wc -w) == 1000)) && echo "7919 is the 1000th prime" UPPER_LIMIT=${1:?"Need an upper limit of primes to search."} Primes=( '' $(seq ${UPPER_LIMIT}) ) typeset -i i t Primes[i=1]='' # 1 is not a prime. until (( ( i += 1 ) > (${UPPER_LIMIT}/i) )) # Need check only ith-way. do # Why? if ((${Primes[t=i*(i-1), i]})) # Obscure, but instructive, use of arithmetic expansion in subscript. then until (( ( t += i ) > ${UPPER_LIMIT} )) do Primes[t]=; done fi done # echo ${Primes[*]} echo # Change to original script for pretty-printing (80-col. display). printf "%8d" ${Primes[*]} echo; echo exit $? |
Compare these array-based prime number generators with alternatives that do not use arrays, Example A-15, and Example 15-46.
Arrays lend themselves, to some extent, to emulating data structures for which Bash has no native support.
Example 26-15. Emulating a push-down stack
#!/bin/bash # push-down stack simulation # Similar to the CPU stack, a push-down stack stores data items #+ sequentially, but releases them in reverse order, last-in first-out. BP=100 # Base Pointer of stack array. # Begin at element 100. SP=$BP # Stack Pointer. # Initialize it to "base" (bottom) of stack. Data= # Contents of stack location. # Must use global variable, #+ because of limitation on function return range. # 100 Base pointer <-- Base Pointer # 99 First data item # 98 Second data item # ... More data # Last data item <-- Stack pointer declare -a stack push() # Push item on stack. { if [ -z "$1" ] # Nothing to push? then return fi let "SP -= 1" # Bump stack pointer. stack[$SP]=$1 return } pop() # Pop item off stack. { Data= # Empty out data item. if [ "$SP" -eq "$BP" ] # Stack empty? then return fi # This also keeps SP from getting past 100, #+ i.e., prevents a runaway stack. Data=${stack[$SP]} let "SP += 1" # Bump stack pointer. return } status_report() # Find out what's happening. { echo "-------------------------------------" echo "REPORT" echo "Stack Pointer = $SP" echo "Just popped \""$Data"\" off the stack." echo "-------------------------------------" echo } # ======================================================= # Now, for some fun. echo # See if you can pop anything off empty stack. pop status_report echo push garbage pop status_report # Garbage in, garbage out. value1=23; push $value1 value2=skidoo; push $value2 value3=LAST; push $value3 pop # LAST status_report pop # skidoo status_report pop # 23 status_report # Last-in, first-out! # Notice how the stack pointer decrements with each push, #+ and increments with each pop. echo exit 0 # ======================================================= # Exercises: # --------- # 1) Modify the "push()" function to permit pushing # + multiple element on the stack with a single function call. # 2) Modify the "pop()" function to permit popping # + multiple element from the stack with a single function call. # 3) Add error checking to the critical functions. # That is, return an error code, depending on # + successful or unsuccessful completion of the operation, # + and take appropriate action. # 4) Using this script as a starting point, # + write a stack-based 4-function calculator. |
Fancy manipulation of array "subscripts" may require intermediate variables. For projects involving this, again consider using a more powerful programming language, such as Perl or C.
Example 26-16. Complex array application: Exploring a weird mathematical series
#!/bin/bash # Douglas Hofstadter's notorious "Q-series": # Q(1) = Q(2) = 1 # Q(n) = Q(n - Q(n-1)) + Q(n - Q(n-2)), for n>2 # This is a "chaotic" integer series with strange #+ and unpredictable behavior. # The first 20 terms of the series are: # 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 9 10 11 11 12 # See Hofstadter's book, _Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid_, #+ p. 137, ff. LIMIT=100 # Number of terms to calculate. LINEWIDTH=20 # Number of terms printed per line. Q[1]=1 # First two terms of series are 1. Q[2]=1 echo echo "Q-series [$LIMIT terms]:" echo -n "${Q[1]} " # Output first two terms. echo -n "${Q[2]} " for ((n=3; n <= $LIMIT; n++)) # C-like loop expression. do # Q[n] = Q[n - Q[n-1]] + Q[n - Q[n-2]] for n>2 # Need to break the expression into intermediate terms, #+ since Bash doesn't handle complex array arithmetic very well. let "n1 = $n - 1" # n-1 let "n2 = $n - 2" # n-2 t0=`expr $n - ${Q[n1]}` # n - Q[n-1] t1=`expr $n - ${Q[n2]}` # n - Q[n-2] T0=${Q[t0]} # Q[n - Q[n-1]] T1=${Q[t1]} # Q[n - Q[n-2]] Q[n]=`expr $T0 + $T1` # Q[n - Q[n-1]] + Q[n - Q[n-2]] echo -n "${Q[n]} " if [ `expr $n % $LINEWIDTH` -eq 0 ] # Format output. then # ^ modulo echo # Break lines into neat chunks. fi done echo exit 0 # This is an iterative implementation of the Q-series. # The more intuitive recursive implementation is left as an exercise. # Warning: calculating this series recursively takes a VERY long time #+ via a script. C/C++ would be orders of magnitude faster. |
Bash supports only one-dimensional arrays, though a little trickery permits simulating multi-dimensional ones.
Example 26-17. Simulating a two-dimensional array, then tilting it
#!/bin/bash # Simulating a two-dimensional array. # A one-dimensional array consists of a single row. # A two-dimensional array stores rows sequentially. Rows=5 Columns=5 # 5 X 5 Array. declare -a alpha # char alpha [Rows] [Columns]; # Unnecessary declaration. Why? load_alpha () { local rc=0 local index for i in A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y do # Use different symbols if you like. local row=`expr $rc / $Columns` local column=`expr $rc % $Rows` let "index = $row * $Rows + $column" alpha[$index]=$i # alpha[$row][$column] let "rc += 1" done # Simpler would be #+ declare -a alpha=( A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ) #+ but this somehow lacks the "flavor" of a two-dimensional array. } print_alpha () { local row=0 local index echo while [ "$row" -lt "$Rows" ] # Print out in "row major" order: do #+ columns vary, #+ while row (outer loop) remains the same. local column=0 echo -n " " # Lines up "square" array with rotated one. while [ "$column" -lt "$Columns" ] do let "index = $row * $Rows + $column" echo -n "${alpha[index]} " # alpha[$row][$column] let "column += 1" done let "row += 1" echo done # The simpler equivalent is # echo ${alpha[*]} | xargs -n $Columns echo } filter () # Filter out negative array indices. { echo -n " " # Provides the tilt. # Explain how. if [[ "$1" -ge 0 && "$1" -lt "$Rows" && "$2" -ge 0 && "$2" -lt "$Columns" ]] then let "index = $1 * $Rows + $2" # Now, print it rotated. echo -n " ${alpha[index]}" # alpha[$row][$column] fi } rotate () # Rotate the array 45 degrees -- { #+ "balance" it on its lower lefthand corner. local row local column for (( row = Rows; row > -Rows; row-- )) do # Step through the array backwards. Why? for (( column = 0; column < Columns; column++ )) do if [ "$row" -ge 0 ] then let "t1 = $column - $row" let "t2 = $column" else let "t1 = $column" let "t2 = $column + $row" fi filter $t1 $t2 # Filter out negative array indices. # What happens if you don't do this? done echo; echo done # Array rotation inspired by examples (pp. 143-146) in #+ "Advanced C Programming on the IBM PC," by Herbert Mayer #+ (see bibliography). # This just goes to show that much of what can be done in C #+ can also be done in shell scripting. } #--------------- Now, let the show begin. ------------# load_alpha # Load the array. print_alpha # Print it out. rotate # Rotate it 45 degrees counterclockwise. #-----------------------------------------------------# exit 0 # This is a rather contrived, not to mention inelegant simulation. # Exercises: # --------- # 1) Rewrite the array loading and printing functions # in a more intuitive and less kludgy fashion. # # 2) Figure out how the array rotation functions work. # Hint: think about the implications of backwards-indexing an array. # # 3) Rewrite this script to handle a non-square array, # such as a 6 X 4 one. # Try to minimize "distortion" when the array is rotated. |
A two-dimensional array is essentially equivalent to a one-dimensional one, but with additional addressing modes for referencing and manipulating the individual elements by row and column position.
For an even more elaborate example of simulating a two-dimensional array, see Example A-10.
For more interesting scripts using arrays, see:
Monday, March 10, 2025 @ 6:30:49 PM