WPNT834 Manual: How to Configure WEP
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How to Configure WEP

To configure WEP data encryption, follow these steps:

Note: If you use a wireless computer to configure WEP settings, you will be disconnected when you click Apply. You must then either configure your wireless adapter to match the wireless router WEP settings or access the wireless router from a wired computer to make any further changes.

  1. Log in to the WPNT834 firewall at its default LAN address of http://www.routerlogin.net with its default user name of admin and default password of password, or using whatever LAN address and password you have set up.
  2. Click Wireless Settings in the main menu of the WPNT834 firewall.
  3. From the Security Options menu, select WEP. The WEP options display.
  4. Select the Authentication Type and Encryptions strength from the drop-down lists.

    Figure 4-5

  5. You can manually or automatically program the four data encryption keys. These values must be identical on all computers and Access Points in your network.
    • Automatic-Enter a word or group of printable characters in the Passphrase box and click the Generate button. The passphrase is case sensitive; NETGEAR is not the same as nETgear. The four key boxes is automatically populated with key values.
    • Manual-Enter ten hexadecimal digits (any combination of 0-9, a-f, or A-F). These entries are not case sensitive; AA is the same as aa.
      Select which of the four keys to activate.
    • See Wireless Communications for a full explanation of each of these options, as defined by the IEEE 802.11 wireless communication standard.

  6. Click Apply to save your settings.

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