Complex Commands

15.2. Complex Commands

Commands for more advanced users


-exec COMMAND \;

Carries out COMMAND on each file that find matches. The command sequence terminates with ; (the ";" is escaped to make certain the shell passes it to find literally, without interpreting it as a special character).

bash$ find ~/ -name '*.txt'

If COMMAND contains {}, then find substitutes the full path name of the selected file for "{}".

find ~/ -name 'core*' -exec rm {} \;
# Removes all core dump files from user's home directory.

find /home/bozo/projects -mtime -1
#                               ^   Note minus sign!
#  Lists all files in /home/bozo/projects directory tree
#+ that were modified within the last day (current_day - 1).
find /home/bozo/projects -mtime 1
#  Same as above, but modified *exactly* one day ago.
#  mtime = last modification time of the target file
#  ctime = last status change time (via 'chmod' or otherwise)
#  atime = last access time

find "$DIR" -type f -atime +5 -exec rm {} \;
#                          ^           ^^
#  Curly brackets are placeholder for the path name output by "find."
#  Deletes all files in "/home/bozo/junk_files"
#+ that have not been accessed in *at least* 5 days (plus sign ... +5).
#  "-type filetype", where
#  f = regular file
#  d = directory
#  l = symbolic link, etc.
#  (The 'find' manpage and info page have complete option listings.)

find /etc -exec grep '[0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*[.][0-9][0-9]*' {} \;

# Finds all IP addresses ( in /etc directory files.
# There a few extraneous hits. Can they be filtered out?

# Possibly by:

find /etc -type f -exec cat '{}' \; | tr -c '.[:digit:]' '\n' \
| grep '^[^.][^.]*\.[^.][^.]*\.[^.][^.]*\.[^.][^.]*$'
#  [:digit:] is one of the character classes
#+ introduced with the POSIX 1003.2 standard. 

# Thanks, Stéphane Chazelas. 


The -exec option to find should not be confused with the exec shell builtin.

Example 15-3. Badname, eliminate file names in current directory containing bad characters and whitespace.

# Delete filenames in current directory containing bad characters.

for filename in *
  badname=`echo "$filename" | sed -n /[\+\{\;\"\\\=\?~\(\)\<\>\&\*\|\$]/p`
# badname=`echo "$filename" | sed -n '/[+{;"\=?~()<>&*|$]/p'`  also works.
# Deletes files containing these nasties:     + { ; " \ = ? ~ ( ) < > & * | $
  rm $badname 2>/dev/null
#             ^^^^^^^^^^^ Error messages deep-sixed.

# Now, take care of files containing all manner of whitespace.
find . -name "* *" -exec rm -f {} \;
# The path name of the file that _find_ finds replaces the "{}".
# The '\' ensures that the ';' is interpreted literally, as end of command.

exit 0

# Commands below this line will not execute because of _exit_ command.

# An alternative to the above script:
find . -name '*[+{;"\\=?~()<>&*|$ ]*' -maxdepth 0 \
-exec rm -f '{}' \;
#  The "-maxdepth 0" option ensures that _find_ will not search
#+ subdirectories below $PWD.

# (Thanks, S.C.)

Example 15-4. Deleting a file by its inode number

# Deleting a file by its inode number.

#  This is useful when a filename starts with an illegal character,
#+ such as ? or -.

ARGCOUNT=1                      # Filename arg must be passed to script.

if [ $# -ne "$ARGCOUNT" ]
  echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename"

if [ ! -e "$1" ]
  echo "File \""$1"\" does not exist."

inum=`ls -i | grep "$1" | awk '{print $1}'`
# inum = inode (index node) number of file
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Every file has an inode, a record that holds its physical address info.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

echo; echo -n "Are you absolutely sure you want to delete \"$1\" (y/n)? "
# The '-v' option to 'rm' also asks this.
read answer
case "$answer" in
[nN]) echo "Changed your mind, huh?"
      exit $E_CHANGED_MIND
*)    echo "Deleting file \"$1\".";;

find . -inum $inum -exec rm {} \;
#                           ^^
#        Curly brackets are placeholder
#+       for text output by "find."
echo "File "\"$1"\" deleted!"

exit 0

The find command also works without the -exec option.

#  Find suid root files.
#  A strange suid file might indicate a security hole,
#+ or even a system intrusion.

# Might also try /sbin, /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, etc.
permissions="+4000"  # suid root (dangerous!)

for file in $( find "$directory" -perm "$permissions" )
  ls -ltF --author "$file"

See Example 15-30, Example 3-4, and Example 10-9 for scripts using find. Its manpage provides more detail on this complex and powerful command.


A filter for feeding arguments to a command, and also a tool for assembling the commands themselves. It breaks a data stream into small enough chunks for filters and commands to process. Consider it as a powerful replacement for backquotes. In situations where command substitution fails with a too many arguments error, substituting xargs often works. [1] Normally, xargs reads from stdin or from a pipe, but it can also be given the output of a file.

The default command for xargs is echo. This means that input piped to xargs may have linefeeds and other whitespace characters stripped out.

bash$ ls -l
total 0
 -rw-rw-r--    1 bozo  bozo         0 Jan 29 23:58 file1
 -rw-rw-r--    1 bozo  bozo         0 Jan 29 23:58 file2

bash$ ls -l | xargs
total 0 -rw-rw-r-- 1 bozo bozo 0 Jan 29 23:58 file1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 bozo bozo 0 Jan...

bash$ find ~/mail -type f | xargs grep "Linux"
./misc:User-Agent: slrn/ (Linux)
 ./sent-mail-jul-2005: hosted by the Linux Documentation Project.
 ./sent-mail-jul-2005: (Linux Documentation Project Site, rtf version)
 ./sent-mail-jul-2005: Subject: Criticism of Bozo's Windows/Linux article
 ./sent-mail-jul-2005: while mentioning that the Linux ext2/ext3 filesystem
 . . .

ls | xargs -p -l gzip gzips every file in current directory, one at a time, prompting before each operation.


Note that xargs processes the arguments passed to it sequentially, one at a time.

bash$ find /usr/bin | xargs file
/usr/bin:          directory
 /usr/bin/foomatic-ppd-options:          perl script text executable
 . . .


An interesting xargs option is -n NN, which limits to NN the number of arguments passed.

ls | xargs -n 8 echo lists the files in the current directory in 8 columns.


Another useful option is -0, in combination with find -print0 or grep -lZ. This allows handling arguments containing whitespace or quotes.

find / -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -liwZ GUI | xargs -0 rm -f

grep -rliwZ GUI / | xargs -0 rm -f

Either of the above will remove any file containing "GUI". (Thanks, S.C.)


cat /proc/"$pid"/"$OPTION" | xargs -0 echo
#  Formats output:         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#  From Han Holl's fixup of ""
#+ script in "/dev and /proc" chapter.

Example 15-5. Logfile: Using xargs to monitor system log


# Generates a log file in current directory
# from the tail end of /var/log/messages.

# Note: /var/log/messages must be world readable
# if this script invoked by an ordinary user.
#         #root chmod 644 /var/log/messages


( date; uname -a ) >>logfile
# Time and machine name
echo ---------------------------------------------------------- >>logfile
tail -n $LINES /var/log/messages | xargs | fmt -s >>logfile
echo >>logfile
echo >>logfile

exit 0

#  Note:
#  ----
#  As Frank Wang points out,
#+ unmatched quotes (either single or double quotes) in the source file
#+ may give xargs indigestion.
#  He suggests the following substitution for line 15:
#  tail -n $LINES /var/log/messages | tr -d "\"'" | xargs | fmt -s >>logfile

#  Exercise:
#  --------
#  Modify this script to track changes in /var/log/messages at intervals
#+ of 20 minutes.
#  Hint: Use the "watch" command. 

As in find, a curly bracket pair serves as a placeholder for replacement text.

Example 15-6. Copying files in current directory to another


#  Copy (verbose) all files in current directory ($PWD)
#+ to directory specified on command-line.


if [ -z "$1" ]   # Exit if no argument given.
  echo "Usage: `basename $0` directory-to-copy-to"
  exit $E_NOARGS

ls . | xargs -i -t cp ./{} $1
#            ^^ ^^      ^^
#  -t is "verbose" (output command-line to stderr) option.
#  -i is "replace strings" option.
#  {} is a placeholder for output text.
#  This is similar to the use of a curly-bracket pair in "find."
#  List the files in current directory (ls .),
#+ pass the output of "ls" as arguments to "xargs" (-i -t options),
#+ then copy (cp) these arguments ({}) to new directory ($1).  
#  The net result is the exact equivalent of
#+   cp * $1
#+ unless any of the filenames has embedded "whitespace" characters.

exit 0

Example 15-7. Killing processes by name

# Killing processes by name.
# Compare this script with

#  For instance,
#+ try "./ xterm" --
#+ and watch all the xterms on your desktop disappear.

#  Warning:
#  -------
#  This is a fairly dangerous script.
#  Running it carelessly (especially as root)
#+ can cause data loss and other undesirable effects.


if test -z "$1"  # No command-line arg supplied?
  echo "Usage: `basename $0` Process(es)_to_kill"
  exit $E_BADARGS

ps ax | grep "$PROCESS_NAME" | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -i kill {} 2&>/dev/null
#                                                       ^^      ^^

# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Notes:
# -i is the "replace strings" option to xargs.
# The curly brackets are the placeholder for the replacement.
# 2&>/dev/null suppresses unwanted error messages.
# Can  grep "$PROCESS_NAME" be replaced by pidof "$PROCESS_NAME"?
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

exit $?

#  The "killall" command has the same effect as this script,
#+ but using it is not quite as educational.

Example 15-8. Word frequency analysis using xargs

# Crude word frequency analysis on a text file.

# Uses 'xargs' to decompose lines of text into single words.
# Compare this example to the "" script later on.

# Check for input file on command-line.

if [ $# -ne "$ARGS" ]
# Correct number of arguments passed to script?
  echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename"
  exit $E_BADARGS

if [ ! -f "$1" ]       # Check if file exists.
  echo "File \"$1\" does not exist."
  exit $E_NOFILE

cat "$1" | xargs -n1 | \
#  List the file, one word per line. 
tr A-Z a-z | \
#  Shift characters to lowercase.
sed -e 's/\.//g'  -e 's/\,//g' -e 's/ /\
/g' | \
#  Filter out periods and commas, and
#+ change space between words to linefeed,
sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
#  Finally remove duplicates, prefix occurrence count
#+ and sort numerically.

#  This does the same job as the "" example,
#+ but a bit more ponderously, and it runs more slowly (why?).

exit $?

All-purpose expression evaluator: Concatenates and evaluates the arguments according to the operation given (arguments must be separated by spaces). Operations may be arithmetic, comparison, string, or logical.

expr 3 + 5

returns 8

expr 5 % 3

returns 2

expr 1 / 0

returns the error message, expr: division by zero

Illegal arithmetic operations not allowed.

expr 5 \* 3

returns 15

The multiplication operator must be escaped when used in an arithmetic expression with expr.

y=`expr $y + 1`

Increment a variable, with the same effect as let y=y+1 and y=$(($y+1)). This is an example of arithmetic expansion.

z=`expr substr $string $position $length`

Extract substring of $length characters, starting at $position.

Example 15-9. Using expr


# Demonstrating some of the uses of 'expr'
# =======================================


# Arithmetic Operators
# ---------- ---------

echo "Arithmetic Operators"
a=`expr 5 + 3`
echo "5 + 3 = $a"

a=`expr $a + 1`
echo "a + 1 = $a"
echo "(incrementing a variable)"

a=`expr 5 % 3`
# modulo
echo "5 mod 3 = $a"


# Logical Operators
# ------- ---------

#  Returns 1 if true, 0 if false,
#+ opposite of normal Bash convention.

echo "Logical Operators"

b=`expr $x = $y`         # Test equality.
echo "b = $b"            # 0  ( $x -ne $y )

b=`expr $a \> 10`
echo 'b=`expr $a \> 10`, therefore...'
echo "If a > 10, b = 0 (false)"
echo "b = $b"            # 0  ( 3 ! -gt 10 )

b=`expr $a \< 10`
echo "If a < 10, b = 1 (true)"
echo "b = $b"            # 1  ( 3 -lt 10 )
# Note escaping of operators.

b=`expr $a \<= 3`
echo "If a <= 3, b = 1 (true)"
echo "b = $b"            # 1  ( 3 -le 3 )
# There is also a "\>=" operator (greater than or equal to).


# String Operators
# ------ ---------

echo "String Operators"

echo "The string being operated upon is \"$a\"."

# length: length of string
b=`expr length $a`
echo "Length of \"$a\" is $b."

# index: position of first character in substring
#        that matches a character in string
b=`expr index $a 23`
echo "Numerical position of first \"2\" in \"$a\" is \"$b\"."

# substr: extract substring, starting position & length specified
b=`expr substr $a 2 6`
echo "Substring of \"$a\", starting at position 2,\
and 6 chars long is \"$b\"."

#  The default behavior of the 'match' operations is to
#+ search for the specified match at the BEGINNING of the string.
#       Using Regular Expressions ...
b=`expr match "$a" '[0-9]*'`               #  Numerical count.
echo Number of digits at the beginning of \"$a\" is $b.
b=`expr match "$a" '\([0-9]*\)'`           #  Note that escaped parentheses
#                   ==      ==             #+ trigger substring match.
echo "The digits at the beginning of \"$a\" are \"$b\"."


exit 0


The : (null) operator can substitute for match. For example, b=`expr $a : [0-9]*` is the exact equivalent of b=`expr match $a [0-9]*` in the above listing.


echo "String operations using \"expr \$string : \" construct"
echo "==================================================="


echo "The string being operated upon is \"`expr "$a" : '\(.*\)'`\"."
#     Escaped parentheses grouping operator.            ==  ==

#       ***************************
#+          Escaped parentheses
#+           match a substring
#       ***************************

#  If no escaped parentheses...
#+ then 'expr' converts the string operand to an integer.

echo "Length of \"$a\" is `expr "$a" : '.*'`."   # Length of string

echo "Number of digits at the beginning of \"$a\" is `expr "$a" : '[0-9]*'`."

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #


echo "The digits at the beginning of \"$a\" are `expr "$a" : '\([0-9]*\)'`."
#                                                             ==      ==
echo "The first 7 characters of \"$a\" are `expr "$a" : '\(.......\)'`."
#         =====                                          ==       ==
# Again, escaped parentheses force a substring match.
echo "The last 7 characters of \"$a\" are `expr "$a" : '.*\(.......\)'`."
#         ====                  end of string operator  ^^
#  (actually means skip over one or more of any characters until specified
#+  substring)


exit 0

The above script illustrates how expr uses the escaped parentheses -- \( ... \) -- grouping operator in tandem with regular expression parsing to match a substring. Here is a another example, this time from "real life."

# Strip the whitespace from the beginning and end.
LRFDATE=`expr "$LRFDATE" : '[[:space:]]*\(.*\)[[:space:]]*$'`

#  From Peter Knowles' "" script
#+ for converting files to Sony Librie/PRS-50X format.
#  (

Perl, sed, and awk have far superior string parsing facilities. A short sed or awk "subroutine" within a script (see Section 33.3) is an attractive alternative to expr.

See Section 9.2 for more on using expr in string operations.



And even when xargs is not strictly necessary, it can speed up execution of a command involving batch-processing of multiple files.

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